1241948 BC LTD
1241948 BC LTD's Shipments Over Time
Purchase Ratings
Shipment Reliability and Frequency Volume of Goods
Avg. Shipments per Month: 0.35 Average TEU per month: 0.84
Active Months: 5 Average TEU per Shipment: 1.67
Shipment Frequency Std. Dev.: 0.61
Shipments By Companies
Company Name Shipments
Shipments By HS Code
HS Code Shipments
731700 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (not those of heading no. 8305) and the like, of iron or steel, with heads of other material or not, but excluding articles with heads of copper : Iron or steel; nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (not those of heading no. 8305) and the like, with heads of other material or not, but excluding articles with heads of copper 4 shipments
741510 Copper, nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples (not those of heading no. 8305) and the like, of copper or iron or steel with heads of copper; screws bolts, nuts, screws hooks, rivets, cotters, washers : Copper; nails and tacks, drawing pins, staples and similar articles of copper, or of iron or steel with copper heads 2 shipments
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Latest Shipments
Arrival Date Bill Of Lading Shipper Weight HS Code Description
2024-11-22 TSVCCN103504036 INNO INTERNATIONAL 27153.0 kg 731700 STEEL NAILS
2024-10-23 TSVCCN103444167 INNO INTERNATIONAL 21499.0 kg 731700 STEEL NAILS
2024-05-09 TSVCCN102742509 INNO INTERNATIONAL 27910.0 kg 741510 STEEL NAILS ;STAPLES
2024-05-08 TSVCCN102762557 INNO INTERNATIONAL 20479.0 kg 731700 STEEL NAILS
2024-04-01 TSVCCN102614818 INNO INTERNATIONAL 18600.0 kg 741510 STEEL NAILS;STAPLES
2024-02-25 TSVCCN102448624 INNO INTERNATIONAL 20110.0 kg 731700 STEEL NAILS
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