5100329143 2 DC5
5100329143 2 DC5's Shipments Over Time
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Shipment Reliability and Frequency Volume of Goods
Avg. Shipments per Month: 0.00 Average TEU per month: 0.00
Active Months: 0 Average TEU per Shipment: N/A
Shipment Frequency Std. Dev.: 0.00
Shipments By Companies
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Shipments By HS Code
HS Code Shipments
611430 Garments; knitted or crocheted, n.e.c. in chapter 61 : Garments; of man-made fibres, knitted or crocheted, n.e.c. in chapter 61 1 shipments
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Latest Shipments
Arrival Date Bill Of Lading Shipper Weight HS Code Description
2022-12-19 MAEU291906769 PT HANSOLL INDO KLATEN 3677.34 kg 611430 315 CTNS = 39,361 PCS OF WOM ENS WOVEN PAJAMA BOTTOM SHORT PO#: 5100329143-2 510032 9147-2 5100329142-2 510033 0480-2 5100329292-2 510033 2357-2 5100328782-2 510032 9144-2 5100329148-2 510032 9149-2 5100328780-2 510032 9925-2 5100329909-2 HS COD E: 6114.30, 6208.92 PEB: 755 131/28.10.2022 FF=583143 1964 S/C#:298548179 FREIGH T COLLECT SUDU6857031|4400|3 15|CT||CY/CY|3677.66|KGM|18.43 |MTQ|222758738
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