Purchase Ratings
Shipment Reliability and Frequency Volume of Goods
Avg. Shipments per Month: 0.08 Average TEU per month: 0.12
Active Months: 1 Average TEU per Shipment: 1.50
Shipment Frequency Std. Dev.: 0.29
Shipments By Companies
Company Name Shipments
ALLIOD WOOD 10 shipments
Shipments By HS Code
HS Code Shipments
440839 Sheets for veneering (including those obtained by slicing laminated wood), for plywood or for similar laminated wood and other wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, planed or not, sanded, spliced or end-jointed, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm : Wood, of tropical wood; as in Subheading note 2 to this Chapter, n.e.c. in heading no. 4408.31, sheets for veneer or plywood, other wood sawn length wise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, not thicker than 6mm 6 shipments
040410 Whey and products consisting of natural milk constituents; whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, not elsewhere specified or included : Dairy produce; whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter 1 shipments
480261 Uncoated paper and paperboard, used for writing, printing or other graphics, non perforated punch-cards and punch tape paper, in rolls or rectangular sheets, of any size, other than paper of heading 4801 or 4803; hand-made paper and paperboard : Uncoated paper and paperboard (not 4801 or 4803); over 10% by weight of mechanical or chemi-mechanical processed fibre, in rolls 1 shipments
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Latest Shipments
Arrival Date Bill Of Lading Shipper Weight HS Code Description
2024-05-01 BANQ1058782805 ALLIOD WOOD 14630.0 kg OF PLACAGES SAPELLI
2023-12-06 BANQ1055914642 ALLIOD WOOD 17920.0 kg PLACAGES SAPELL1 SAPELE VENEERS INVOICE 2311001
2023-07-05 BANQ1053299425 ALLIOD WOOD 14590.0 kg 480261 13 CRATES OF PLACAGES KHAYA 15 10 KHAYA VENEERS 15 10 CRATES 224 TO 236 INVOICE : 2306001. 15.578,84 M X 1,5MM (15 10): 23, 37 M3 PLACAGES NET
2023-04-13 BANQ1051294645 ALLIOD WOOD 11750.0 kg 040410 12 CRATES OF PLACAGES KHAYA 15 10 KHAYA VENEERS 15 10 INVOICE : 2302001.
2022-07-02 BANQMRS0290860 ALLIOD WOOD 16450.0 kg 440839 PLACAGES KHAYA 15 10 KHAYA VENEERS 15 10 CRATES 196 TO 211 INVOICE 2206001 OF 03.06.2022 HS-CODE 4408393090
2022-06-02 BANQMRS0289813 ALLIOD WOOD 6510.0 kg 440839 OF PLACAGES KHAYA 15 10 KHAYA VENEERS 15 10 CRATES 189 TO 195 INVOICE 2204001 OF 05 04 2022 HS-CODE 4408393090
2021-12-14 BANQMRS0286109 ALLIOD WOOD 7980.0 kg 440839 7 CRATES PLACAGE KHAYA 15 10 KHAYA VENEERS 15 10 CRATES N 182 TO 188 HS CODE 4408399500 EU ORIGIN PRODUCT AS PER INVOICE N 2111001 DATED 05.11.2021 HS-CODE 4408399500
2021-05-25 BANQMRS0284387 ALLIOD WOOD 7780.0 kg 440839 8 CRATES PLACAGE KHAYA 15 10 KHAYA VENEERS 15 10 CRATES N 174 TO 181 HS CODE 4408399500 EU ORIGIN PRODUCT AS PER INVOICE N 2104001 DATED 15.04.2021 HS-CODE(S) 4408399500 HS-CODE 4408399500
2021-01-29 BANQMRS0282549 ALLIOD WOOD 8910.0 kg 440839 7 CRATES PLACAGE KHAYA 15 10 KHAYA VENEERS 15 10 CRATES N 167 TO 173 HS CODE 4408399500 EU ORIGIN PRODUCT AS PER INVOICE N 2012001 DATED 12.23.2020 HS-CODE 4408399500
2020-09-28 BANQMRS0280288 ALLIOD WOOD 7890.0 kg 440839 8 CRATES PLACAGE KHAYA 15 10 KHAYA VENEERS 15 10 CRATES N 159 TO 166 HS CODE 4408399500 EU ORIGIN PRODUCT AS PER INVOICE N 2009001 DATED 09.03.2020 HS-CODE 4408399500
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