Purchase Ratings
Shipment Reliability and Frequency Volume of Goods
Avg. Shipments per Month: 0.14 Average TEU per month: 0.21
Active Months: 2 Average TEU per Shipment: 1.25
Shipment Frequency Std. Dev.: 0.36
Shipments By Companies
Company Name Shipments
DSV AIR & SEA S A DE C V 3 shipments
DSV AIR A & SEA SA DE CV 1 shipments
Shipments By HS Code
HS Code Shipments
392690 Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading no. 3901 to 3914, n.e.c. in chapter 39 : Plastics; other articles n.e.c. in chapter 39 4 shipments
292143 Amine-function compounds : Amine-function compounds; aromatic monoamines and their derivatives, toluidines and their derivatives; salts thereof 1 shipments
293499 Nucleic acids and their salts, whether or not chemically defined; other heterocyclic compounds : Nucleic acids and their salts, other heterocyclic compounds, n.e.c. in heading number 2934 1 shipments
391990 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls : Plastics; plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip, other flat shapes thereof, self-adhesive, other than in rolls of a width not exceeding 20cm 1 shipments
400912 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (other than hard rubber), with or without their fittings (e.g. joints, elbows, flanges) : Rubber; vulcanised (other than hard rubber), tubing, piping and hoses, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, with fittings 1 shipments
841590 Air conditioning machines; comprising a motor driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated : Air conditioning machines; with motor driven fan and elements for temperature control, parts thereof 1 shipments
870323 Motor cars and other motor vehicles; principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading no. 8702), including station wagons and racing cars : Vehicles; with only spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, cylinder capacity over 1500 but not over 3000cc 1 shipments
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Latest Shipments
Arrival Date Bill Of Lading Shipper Weight HS Code Description
2024-05-25 MAEU238954803 DSV AIR & SEA S A DE C V 1076.85 kg 400912 PLANT CISCO: 72479 PART LOT WITH B/L 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 AND 12 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS F REIGHT COLLECT TO 19040402 19 1904040758 1904040813 19 04040825 1904040849 19040408 51 1904040854 1904040900 19 04041040 1904041041 19040410 72 1904041078 TARA: 3850 K G NCM: 400912 400932 40 1699 830230 840991 848120 850131 870829 870829 870840 870899 903180 LANE ID : MXBR_8000682 SHIPPER DECLARE S: WOODEN PACKAGE: TREATED A ND CERTIFIED
2024-02-11 MAEU235732739 GENERAL MOTORS DE MEXICO S DE RL 845.51 kg 841590 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS WOODEN PACKA GES TREATED AND CERTIFIED NCM : 39199020, 39269090, 40161010 , 40169300, 40169990, 70091000 , 73181500, 83023000, 84099190 , 84249090, 85122011, 85122023 , 85443000, 87081000, 87082999 , 87083090, 87084090, 87085099 , 87089200, 87089300, 90261029 , 90318099 TARA WEIGHT: 2210
2023-12-16 MAEU233826103 GENERAL MOTORS DE MEXICO S DE RL 810.13 kg 870323 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS WOODEN PACKA GES TREATED AND CERTIFIED NCM : 39269090, 40093290, 40161010 , 40169990, 73181500, 83023000 , 84099116, 84099190, 84136019 , 84219999, 84249090, 84833029 , 85122011, 85122023, 85123000 , 85365090, 85443000, 8708100 0, 87082200, 87082999, 8708309 0, 87084090, 87089990, 9026102 9 TARA WEIGHT: 2170
2023-11-10 MAEU609770022 DSV AIR & SEA S A DE C V 1344.47 kg 292143 PLANT CISCO: 72479 PART LOT WITH B/L 2,3,4,5,6,7 AND 8 A UTOMOTIVE PARTS FREIGHT COLL ECT TO 1903100136 190310 0293 1903100368 1903100265 1903100432 1903100500 1 903100511 1903100543 19031 00438 1903100504 190310050 5 1903100506 1903100522 1903100544 1903100590 N CM: 400912 400932 401610 4 01699 840991 851220 854430 870810 870829 870829 87084 0 870880 870899 903180 T ARA: 3700 KG LANE ID : MXBR _8000682 SHIPPER DECLARES: WOODEN PACKAGE: TREATED AND CERTIFIED
2023-10-30 MAEU609744786 DSV AIR & SEA S A DE C V 5883.19 kg 391990 PLANT CISCO: 72479 PART LOT WITH B/L 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 AND 9 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FREIGHT CO LLECT TO 1903090400 1903 090497 1903090538 19030906 56 1903090706 1903090746 1903090754 1903090788 190 3090796 1903090817 1903090 818 1903090819 1903090844 1903090903 1903090905 19 03090907 1903090945 190309 0951 1903090963 1903090965 1903090974 1903091006 1 903091044 1903091045 19030 91059 1903091063 190310000 4 1903100005 1903100010 1903100011 1903100019 1903 100027 LANE ID : MXBR_800 0682 TARE: 3910 KG NCM: 391990 392690 400931 40093 2 401031 401610 401699 830 210 830230 840991 840991 8 41330 841590 851220 870822 870829 870830 870893 87089 9 902610 903180
2023-09-19 SEAU230318702 GENERAL MOTORS DE MEXICO S DE RL 3280.44 kg 392690 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FREIGHT COLL ECT WOODEN PACKAGE: TREATED A ND CERTIFIED NCM: 39269090, 4 0093290, 40161010, 40169990, 7 0091000, 73181500, 83023000, 8 4099190, 84136019, 84219999, 8 4249090, 84831019, 85122011, 8 5122021, 85122023, 85123000, 8 5291090, 85443000, 87081000, 8 7082999, 87083090, 87084090, 8 7085099, 87089100, 87089200, 8 7089300, 87089990, 90261029 T ARA WEIGHT: 3810
2023-07-26 SEAU229090306 GENERAL MOTORS DE MEXICO S DE RL 1609.37 kg 392690 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FREIGHT COLL ECT WOODEN PACKAGE: TREATED A ND CERTIFIED NCM: 39269090, 4 0161010, 40169990, 70091000, 7 3181500, 84136019, 84145990, 8 4831019, 85122011, 85122021, 8 5122023, 85123000, 85443000, 8 7082999, 87084090 TARA WEIGHT : 2180
2023-07-04 SEAU228435079 GENERAL MOTORS DE MEXICO S DE RL 2657.19 kg 392690 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FREIGHT COLL ECT WOODEN PACKAGE: TREATED A ND CERTIFIED NCM: 39269090, 4 0093290, 70091000, 83023000, 8 4073490, 84099190, 84136019, 8 4145990, 84219999, 84249090, 8 4831019, 85122011, 85122021, 8 5122023, 85123000, 85291090, 8 5365090, 85443000, 87081000, 8 7082100, 87082999, 87083019, 8 7083090, 87084090, 87085099, 8 7089200, 87089990, 90318099 T ARA WEIGHT: 3860
2023-06-07 SEAU227628233 GENERAL MOTORS DE MEXICO S DE R L 2050.27 kg 392690 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FREIGHT COLL ECT WOODEN PACKAGE: TREATED A ND CERTIFIED NCM: 39269090, 4 0093290, 40161010, 40169300, 7 0091000, 83021000, 83023000, 8 4099190, 84136019, 84219999, 8 4249090, 84818092, 85013110, 8 5122011, 85122021, 85122022, 8 5122023, 85123000, 85443000, 8 7081000, 87082999, 87083019, 8 7083090, 87084090, 87089200, 8 7089990, 90261029, 90318099 T ARA WEIGHT: 2140
2023-03-24 SUDU23MEX001324J DSV AIR A & SEA SA DE CV 251.0 kg 293499 PLANT CISCO: 72479 PART LOT WITH B/L 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FREIGHT COLLECT TO1903011112 1903011162 1903011002 1903020025 . LANE ID : MXBR_8000682 SHIPPER DECLARES: WOODEN PACKAGE: TREATED AND CERTIFIED
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