USINATECH CANADA's Shipments Over Time
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Shipment Reliability and Frequency Volume of Goods
Avg. Shipments per Month: 0.00 Average TEU per month: 0.00
Active Months: 0 Average TEU per Shipment: N/A
Shipment Frequency Std. Dev.: 0.00
Shipments By Companies
Company Name Shipments
Shipments By HS Code
HS Code Shipments
730539 Iron or steel (excluding cast iron); tubes and pipes (e.g. welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections, external diameter of which exceeds 406.4mm, not seamless : Iron or steel (excluding cast iron); tubes and pipes (other than line pipe or casing of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines), welded (not longitudinally welded), having circular cross-sections, external diameter exceeds 406.4mm, (not seamless) 9 shipments
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Latest Shipments
Arrival Date Bill Of Lading Shipper Weight HS Code Description
2022-01-11 SHKK158914217486 18074.0 kg 730539 STAINLESS STEEL BAR TEL 819-826-3774, EXT.2 53 TEL819-826-3774, EXT.253 2LIVINGSTON
2022-01-11 SHKK158914198969 18882.0 kg 730539 STAINLESS STEEL BAR TEL 819-826-3774, EXT.2 53 TEL819-826-3774, EXT.253 2LIVINGSTON
2021-11-09 SHKK158914160362 18550.0 kg 730539 STAINLESS STEEL BAR TEL 819-826-3774, EXT.2 53 TEL819-826-3774, EXT.253 2LIVINGSTON
2021-10-29 SHKK158914134172 21007.0 kg 730539 STAINLESS STEEL BAR TEL 819-826-3774, EXT.2 53 TEL819-826-3774, EXT.253 2LIVINGSTON
2021-10-05 SHKK158914104519 20431.0 kg 730539 STAINLESS STEEL BAR TEL 819-826-3774, EXT.2 53 TEL819-826-3774, EXT.253 2LIVINGSTON
2021-10-05 SHKK158914096371 21143.0 kg 730539 STAINLESS STEEL BAR TEL 819-826-3774, EXT.2 53 TEL819-826-3774, EXT.253 2LIVINGSTON
2021-05-22 SHKK158913891984 19745.0 kg 730539 STAINLESS STEEL BAR TEL. 819-826-3774, EXT 253 , TEL.819-826-3774, EXT 253 2LIVIN
2021-04-02 SHKK158913768446 19710.0 kg 730539 STAINLESS STEEL BAR TEL 819-826-3774, EXT.2 53 TEL819-826-3774, EXT.253 2LIVINGSTON
2021-02-05 SHKK158913719134 18988.0 kg 730539 STAINLESS STEEL BAR TEL. 819-826-3774, EXT 253 , TEL.819-826-3774, EXT 253 2LIVING
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