WASTE CONECTIONS's Shipments Over Time
Purchase Ratings
Shipment Reliability and Frequency Volume of Goods
Avg. Shipments per Month: 0.00 Average TEU per month: 0.00
Active Months: 0 Average TEU per Shipment: N/A
Shipment Frequency Std. Dev.: 0.00
Shipments By Companies
Company Name Shipments
NCL BAHAMAS LTD 10 shipments
Shipments By HS Code
HS Code Shipments
230330 Residues of starch manufacture, similar residues; beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture, brewing or distilling dregs and waste, whether or not in the form of pellets : Brewing or distilling dregs and waste; whether or not in the form of pellets 5 shipments
520210 Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) : Cotton; yarn waste (including thread waste) 5 shipments
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Latest Shipments
Arrival Date Bill Of Lading Shipper Weight HS Code Description
2022-09-26 NOCLJWL092622002 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 5700.0 kg 230330 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL CBP FORM 3461
2022-09-12 NOCLJWL091222002 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 11600.0 kg 230330 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL CBP FORM 3461
2022-08-29 NOCLJWL082922002 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 11600.0 kg 520210 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL
2022-08-15 NOCLJWL081522002 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 8600.0 kg 230330 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL CBP FORM 3461
2022-08-01 NOCLJWL080122003 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 8600.0 kg 520210 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL
2022-07-18 NOCLJWL071822002 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 8600.0 kg 230330 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL CBP FORM 3461
2022-06-20 NOCLJWL062022003 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 6500.0 kg 520210 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL
2022-06-06 NOCLJWL060622001 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 5700.0 kg 520210 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL
2022-05-23 NOCLJWL052322002 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 5700.0 kg 520210 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL
2022-05-09 NOCLJWL050922006 NCL BAHAMAS LTD 5700.0 kg 230330 WASTE FOR DISPOSAL CBP FORM 3461
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